Webber Naturals Triple Strength Omega-3 EPA/DHA 900-mg, 60 ea

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Dietary Supplement Promotes Heart Mind Health Bonus 25% More Unique Clear Enteric Technology No Fishy Aftertaste IVO verified pure, sustainable and potent. Why choose Webber Naturals? Our commitment to quality starts with our farms, where many of our ingredients are grown, and carries on through every stage of development, formulation and manufacture. We test all raw materials and finished products for quality, purity, and efficacy, paying close attention to every detail, so that you can focus on what really matters - your health. How does Triple Strength Omega-3 work? Triple strength fish oil is a pharmaceutical grade fish oil concentrate. Each softgel provides 900 mg of total omega-3 EPA and DHA. Supports heart, vascular, circulatory, cognitive, and joint health* Helps maintain triglyceride levels already within a normal range* Webber Naturals introduces a unique, Clear Enteri

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