2-in-1 Magic Wireless Induction Stereo Speaker with SD Card MP3 Player

$ 49.99 Best Price

Packing up for a romp at the beach or a picnic in the park? Don't forget to bring along this brand new 2-in-1 Magic Wireless Induction Stereo Speaker. A day without music is like a day without sunshine, and since we can now bring our technology with us anytime and anywhere, it's only logical that we do so. This portable speaker uses induction technology to amplify sound from your smartphone or other digital device with an external speaker. Simply place your device on the surface of the induction speaker and enjoy clear, crisp sound, and you also have the option of inserting an SD card loaded with MP3 files or connect manually to other non-speaker devices via the standard 3.5mm input. Snap up this super deal and be equipped for amped up audio anywhere!

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