Shoe-In Women's Charcoal Open Toe Overshoes 161-0777

$ 25.00 Best Price

Shoe In 161-0777 Womenas Charcoal Open Toe Overshoes are manufactured with lightweight EVA. The unique patented design fits over almost all boots or shoes for extra protection. Shoe In overshoes were engineered so well, you can put them on in the dark without even using your hands. Just slip your shoes into them on your way out the door. Thereas no right or left shoe, so you donat have to tax your brain on those tough mornings. Theyare engineered to stay secure with a lip that surrounds your shoes and EVA extensions that grip the top of your shoe. The soles have two slip-resistant rubber pads to keep you on your feet while protecting your shoes. One pad is under the ball of the foot and the other under the heel. Theyare a snap to clean; you just have to rinse them off and theyare ready to go the next day.The correct shoe size for Shoe In 161-0777 Womenas Charcoal Open Toe Overshoes depends on the shoes youare wearing.Sizes Manufactured: Small, Medium, Large, XLargeMens: Small 5 - 8.5Medium 9 - 11Large 11.5 - 12XLarge 13 - 16.5Womens:Small 7 - 9.5Medium 10 - 11.5Large 12 - 16.5

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