Consent to Background Check

$ 34.99 Best Price

Obtain consent to screen a potential tenant by performing a background checkWhen you rent out a unit in your rental property, you want to make sure you select the right applicant. However, if you want to vet potential tenants by ordering a background check from a screening service or credit agency, and since background checks are often broad reports concerning an applicant's character, general reputation, personal characteristics, criminal history or mode of living, it's in your best interest to obtain permission from the applicant.Use Nolo's Consent to Background Check eForm to notify and receive consent for a background check from an applicant. Plus, you'll get plain-English instructions on your responsibilities when an applicant requests further information, and what to do to avoid legal troubles should you decide to deny an application based on the contents of the report.NOTE: This form should not be used by employers, as they are subject to different legal rules.Additional Technical Support FAQs

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