8-in-1 I604 Medicated Shampoo - Fresh Pine 16oz

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8-in-1 Medicated Shampoo - Fresh Pine, The 8-in-1 I604 Medicated Shampoo - Fresh Pine 16Oz provides soothing relief from the symptoms of seborrhea, eczema and other dermatitis problems. The shampoo has a long lasting fresh pine fragrance which leaves your pet smelling fresh and clean. With natural conditioners and Coal Tar, it helps moisturize and relieve the discomfort of dry, itchy and flaking skin. 8-in-1 I604 Medicated Shampoo - Fresh Pine Features: Medicated Fresh Pine Pet Shampoo, Product #: I604, 16oz. Bottle, Relief from Symptoms of Seborrhea, Eczema & other Dermatitis Problems, Contains Natural Conditioners & Coal Tar, Long-lasting Fresh Pine Fragrance, Safe & Efficient, Approved for Use on Both Small & Large Pets

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